B.Ed./M.A.(Education) Registration open for session 2024-25, Contact for inquiry 95015-14382, 78888-40565, E-Mail: idce.principal@gmail.com

International Divine College of Education

+91-95015-14382, 78888-40565


Click here for Inquiry-cum-Registration Form Session 2024-25


Baba Lakhvir Singh Ji

A child who is thoroughly familiar with gratitude, with love, will also learn to understand that human beings are complete only when they see themselves as executants of the divine world order, of the good in the world, the good in earthly existence. It is possible only if moral education is united with religious education. Religious and moral education lead to the person feeling that we are only truly human when we are moral human beings, that those who do not want to live morally are not complete human beings.


Message from Director’s Desk

The task of coping with changes taking place around us and to develop the all round personality of our young students, is indeed a herculean task, though not impossible. However, it cannot be accomplished single-handedly. The significant keyword for its achievement is COLLABORATION. Let the teachers, parents and students join hands, break barriers and face the challenges of the present times with patience and fortitude. Our aim should be to mould the young minds, teaching them the significance of discipline and hard work and developing in them certain core values that will enrich their lives and help in attaining their goals. We must remember that our children will only reciprocate what they RECEIVE. Give them the privileges that are due to them and they will automatically learn to remember their obligations and perform their duties. On the other hand, children should learn to accept and shoulder their responsibilities and give love and respect wherever due. They should aim high while combining knowledge with understanding and temper justice with kindness.
It is my wish that Students remember to infuse confidence in their potentiality and blend with an unnerving faith in God Almighty to have the fruit of SUCCESS.


Message from the Principal’s Desk
Dear Students,

International Divine College of Education is an institution with distinction, combining excellence with innovations. The resources and facilities on the premises are excellent. This institution intends to educate and train the young minds by delivering quality education enriched, not only in values but technology as well. Blending of two is absolutely essential for a great teacher. This ultimately, prepares them to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world and to become a good human being.

Dear Students, good teaching is about nurturing and developing minds and talents. When we strive and work to become a good teacher, the four core qualities are essential: Knowledge, the skill to convey that knowledge, the ability to make the teaching material interesting and a deep seated interest for the students. The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth. Fruitful education is the kind used for our welfare as well as that for others. This can happen only when we will equip our prospective teachers with technology in one hand and values in other.

I am pleased and welcome your admission at IDCE, I am confident that you will find a pathway to a bright future being a part of IDCE family.

“The Greatest Danger for most of us is not that Our aim is too high, and we miss it, But it is too low and we reach it.” Michelangelo

International Divine College of Education
  • Ratwara Sahib, P.O. Mullanpur, Garibdass Distt. S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali.
  • Pin-140901, Punjab
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  • idce.principal@gmail.com, info@idce.org.in
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